APRIL 2003
side is changing cyclonically (turning toward the inlet)
At stronger tide phases (Figs. 11ad) centrifugal accel-
yielding positive rotary acceleration, while anticyclonic
erations are greater than Coriolis at both inlets (Ro
direction change on the east side (also toward inlet)
), particularly close to the headlands. There is more
gives negative rotary acceleration. Very close to the
than two orders of magnitude difference in Ro across
both inlets during maximum ebb ( 20 near headland
headland tips centrifugal acceleration remains impor-
tant; note that the signs have switched from ebb on both
tips, and approaching zero at the inlet centers). Most of
sides reflecting the sign change in Rs , as leftward (right-
this variability is from the radii of curvature, which
ward) curvature switches to rightward (leftward) cur-
range from tens of meters near the headland tips to near
vature on the east (west) side.
infinity at inlet centers where the streamlines are almost
straight. During the brief ( 1 h) period around slack
At Beaufort Inlet the situation is somewhat more com-
tide (see Figs. 11e,f) Rossby numbers are O(1) or less
plex. At the start of flood, the offshore pressure gradient
has acted long enough for the flow along the eastern
throughout most of the domain. For all tide phases Ro
shore outside the inlet to have a clear flood direction,
sharply decreases with distance from the inlet, except
but offshore west of the inlet flood flow is just beginning
within the transient tidal eddies. In comparison to the
(Fig. 10a). High momentum fluid in the ebb jet continues
idealized inlet, Beaufort Inlet shows considerable small-
to spin down (Fig. 10d) southwest of the inlet under the
scale spatial structure associated with flow curvature
``braking'' influence of the adverse pressure gradient
from irregular bathymetry.
(Fig. 10f). Inside the inlet on the west side, the velocities
Ro time series from both inlets (particularly the sym-
have turned to a flood orientation; here the flow is being
metric idealized inlet) indicate that the time period that
fed by the east side sound (Fig. 10a). This may be a
Coriolis is dynamically important is too short to cause
significant mechanism for cross-inlet exchange at Beau-
large asymmetries in the flow field. Even during the
fort Inlet (see discussion). The tides in this system be-
brief periods at slack when Coriolis is larger than cen-
trifugal acceleration, the n-direction momentum balance
have as a damped quasi-progressive wave on both es-
tuarine sides of the inlet, however the differing geom-
is still not geostrophic because this also coincides with
etry and depths on the two sides produce different damp-
the period when local accelerations are significant. This
ing and phase lags. The sound bathymetry on the east
point is clear from the highly symmetric circulation
side is shallower compared to the deeper dredged west
fields (Fig. 3) and Ro contours for the idealized inlet
side, which results in stronger attenuation and retarding
(Fig. 11), but less so for the natural inlet as the effects
of the tide on the east side relative to the west (see Fig.
of bathymetric asymmetries obscure those potentially
4 in Luettich et al. 1999). The differences in sound side
caused by Coriolis. Conceptually one would expect that
lateral phasing drives a lateral exchange across the inlet
Coriolis would act constructively or destructively to the
7 m)
near slack. Model runs with uniform depth (h
centrifugal acceleration and, for example, shift the po-
gave nearly symmetric behavior.
sition of maximum surface elevation across the inlet.
The normal direction momentum balance is domi-
Such an effect is very slight for the idealized inlet, while
nated by the rotary acceleration and pressure gradient
at Beaufort Inlet the effect is entirely obscured by asym-
terms (Figs. 10h,j). The rotary acceleration is largest in
metries due to irregular bathymetry.
the navigation channel where flow is turning anticy-
clonically toward the inlet. The normal direction pres-
5. Discussion
sure gradient is driving this direction change. The cen-
trifugal acceleration is generally small except at the
Dynamical balances for the remainder of the tidal cycle
headland tips (Fig. 10i), and as with the idealized inlet
(not shown because of space considerations) closely fol-
the cross-stream momentum balance is dominated by
low those described above for the ebb. The temporal
linear terms.
evolution of the momentum fields shows that the balances
oscillate between two dynamical states. At maximum
flow and throughout much of the tidal cycle, the nonlinear
d. Coriolis
terms and pressure gradients dominate the momentum
The role of Coriolis in the time-dependent momentum
balance, whereas near slack the balance is dominated by
balances is subtle and merits a more complete discus-
the linear terms. During the transition between the two
sion. To assess the relative importance of Coriolis versus
centrifugal acceleration in the cross-stream momentum
balance, we form a ``curvature'' Rossby number Ro,
occurs during a brief period around slack.
defined in the streamline coordinate system as
As noted in section 3, the idealized inlet and Beaufort
Inlet have different wave characteristics (standing vs
quasi-progressive) and we wondered what effect this has
f Us
on inlet momentum balances. We reran the idealized
inlet model with a Sommerfeld type radiation condition
Model momentum fields were used to directly compute
in the sound (to mimic the effect of the extensive sound
Ro at both inlets for three phases of the tide (Fig. 11).
regions surrounding Beaufort Inlet), which yielded near-