cannot be considered in isolation from the adjacent beaches, and so the systems approach of the
CIRP in linking inlets and the adjacent beaches will continue.
This paper was prepared as an activity of the Program Management and Technology Transfer
Work Unit, Coastal Inlets Research Program, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Present
CIRP Principal Investigators are Ms. Mary Cialone Dr. Steven Hughes, Dr. Nicholas Kraus,
Mr. Thad Pratt, Ms. Julie Dean Rosati, and Mr. William Seabergh. Former Principal
Investigators who contributed to CIRP progress were Mr. Edward Hands, Dr. Adele Militello,
and Dr. Jane McKee Smith. Dr. Kraus is presently Program Manager, and Mr. Clark McNair
was the former Program Manager. Permission was granted by Headquarters, USACE to publish
this information.
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