consequences of mining of the flood shoal could be evaluated, and it was found that an 8-year
"recharge" time was needed to replace the 400,000 cu yd of sand proposed to be mined. Fig. 12
Inlet Engineering Investigations
This work unit's focal point is a physical modeling facility dedicated for coastal inlet
research (Fig. 13). The 46 by 99 m facility contains an idealized inlet with simple contours for
basic research, but can be adapted for site-specific studies. Waves, tides, tidal currents and
Studies have
included tidal current and wind-
wave interaction, current patterns
at John's Pass, FL, inner-bank
pathways study, general study of
spit migration at inlets, design of
Grays Harbor, WA, inlet
experiments, and wave height
and direction measurements of
inlet structures.
Also a PC
program for determining inlet
dimensions was developed with a
Fig. 13. CIRP idealized inlet physical model facility
user-friendly interface.
Inner bank erosion is a typical
example of an applied study in the
CIRP model.
Many inlets
(including Atlantic, Gulf, Pacific
and Great Lakes coastal inlets)
where a jetty terminates in sand or
silt develop an erosion area at the
Grays Harbor
termination point if the region is
sediment deprived. Fig. 14 shows
Inner-bank erosion
an example of this erosion at Grays
South jetty
Harbor, WA. The erosion area,
called Half Moon Bay, developed
over a 20-year period. Coupled
Pacific Ocean
with the recession of the ocean side
beach, a breach occurred in 1993,
cutting through the thin section of
Fig. 14. Example of inner-bank erosion at Grays Harbor, WA
sand, exposing the local area to