S.A. Hughes / Coastal Engineering 51 (2004) 10851104
estimating nonbreaking wave run-up. For irregular
(2004) derived formulas for estimating the maximum
waves breaking on the slope, a single formula proved
depth-integrated wave momentum flux for periodic
sufficient for all slopes in the range 2/3VtanaV1/30. A
(regular) waves and solitary waves.
slightly different formula is given for nonbreaking
wave run-up. In addition, two new equations for
2.1. Estimates for periodic waves
breaking and nonbreaking solitary wave run-up are
An estimate of wave momentum flux in periodic
waves was given by Hughes for first-order wave
theory in nondimensional form as
2. Wave momentum flux parameter
1 H tanhkh
qgh2 max 2 h
representing the maximum depth-integrated wave
1 H
momentum flux occurring in a wave of permanent
8 h
form, i.e., the maximum over the wave of the integral
The dimensionless parameter to the left of the equal
Z gx
sign represents the nondimensional maximum depth-
pd pu2 dz
MFx; t
integrated wave momentum flux, and it is referred to
as the bwave momentum flux parameterQ.
Eq. (24) expresses nondimensional maximum
where MF(x,t)--depth-integrated wave momentum
wave momentum flux as a function of relative wave
flux at x and t; pd--instantaneous wave dynamic
height (H /h ) and relative depth (kh ). However,
pressure at a specified position; u--instantaneous
horizontal water velocity at the same specified
water level, and Eq. (24) does not include that part of
position; q--water density; h--water depth; x--
the wave above the still water level where a
horizontal direction perpendicular to wave crests;
significant portion of the wave momentum flux is
z--vertical direction, positive upward with z=0 at
still water level; g(x )--sea surface elevation at
An improved estimate of (MF)max was obtained
location x; t--time.
Maximum depth-integrated wave momentum flux
linear wave kinematics are assumed to be valid in the
has units of force per unit wave crest, and Hughes
speculated this wave parameter may prove useful in
to the free surface at the crest. This resulted in a
empirical correlations relating waves to nearshore
coastal processes occurring on beaches and coastal
structures. He also noted that integration of Eq. (23)
over a uniform periodic wave results in radiation
Stewart (1964). However, values of MF vary over a
H sinhkh H =2
wave from large positive values at the wave crest to
kh coshkh
large negative values in the trough, whereas the value
of Sxx is relatively small in comparison to the
sinh2kh H =2 2kh H =2
1 H
maximum. When considering force loading on coastal
8 h
structures, perhaps better correlations can be made
using a parameter representative of the maximum
force in the wave instead of one corresponding to the
However, the wave form is still sinusoidal rather
Estimates of (MF)max can be made for any wave for
than having peaked crests and shallow troughs typical
of nonlinear shoaled waves and, consequently, the
which sea surface elevation and wave kinematics are
extended-linear theory under-predicts momentum flux
known either through theory or measurement. Hughes