equations using the CG Galerkin finite element method in space and implicit/explicit time
stepping (see Luettich and Westerink (2004) for details). As previously mentioned, to achieve
We apply the DG method to the sediment continuity equation by multiplying Eq. (1) by
a test function v ∈Vh and integrating over Ωe to obtain:
∫Ωe ∂t vd Ωe + ∫Ωe ∇ ⋅ qbvd Ωe = 0
Integrating the second term of this equation by parts gives:
∫Ωe ∂t vd Ωe - ∫Ωe ∇v ⋅ qb d Ωe + ∫Γe v qb ⋅ nd Γe = 0
Next we replace the solution z with an approximate solution zh which, using Galerkin's
method, is constructed from a set of basis functions which belong to the same space, Vh, as the
test functions.
Due to the fact that there may be discontinuities along element edges, the
boundary integral of Eq. (13) is undefined and for this we define a numerical flux, qb . In our
formulation, we use a simple upwind flux based on the assumption that the sediment transport is
in the direction of the current:
⎧ qb(in) ⋅ n, U ⋅ n ≥ 0
qb = ⎨ ex
⎪ qb ⋅ n, U ⋅ n < 0
With the approximate solution and the numerical flux defined, the weak formulation of the
problem now becomes: