Tide forcing for the circulation model was represented as a sine wave having amplitude of
0.5 m and period of 12.42 hr. For simulations in which no tide forcing was applied, the water-
surface elevation at the offshore boundary was set constant to 0 m. Wave height and period were
representative of fair-weather and storm conditions, and a narrow spectrum was specified. A
time step of 1 s was applied for all circulation model simulations and model forcing was spun up
for duration of 1 day with a hyperbolic tangent ramp function. Simulation duration was 99 hr.
Current and wave fields for the five simulations are presented. Results from simulations with
tidal forcing are shown at peak flood (hr 75) and peak ebb (hr 81). Results from simulations
with wave-forcing only show the current field at the end of the simulation (hr 99). Contour
scales for the velocity plots vary for each case to best represent the range of speeds calculated.
Case 1: Tide Only
Current speed and direction at peak flood and peak ebb for forcing by tide alone are shown in