configuration despite the presence of strong horizontal turbulence in the flow.
The influence of the flow-parallel jetties appeared to be minor. Similar good
agreement was found for comparisons between prototype and all distorted
models at all flow rates as shown by the plots in Appendix B.
Figure 30. Velocity field NQ = 1.0, prototype vs. distortion = 6 (Case 2)
Ratios of the crossflow velocity components for experiments with discharge
scale NQ = 1.0 are presented in Figure 31, and the corresponding ratios in the
principal flow direction are plotted on Figure 32. Results are similar to those
found for the Case 1 experiments, and the same reasons for variation stated for
Case 1 also apply for Case 2.
Case 2 discussion and conclusions
Case 2 experiments showed very similar behavior to the Case 1 tests, as
should be expected. The overall flow distribution was very similar between
prototype, and the distorted models indicated negligible scale effects related to
generation of turbulence by vertical edges. It was concluded that good
correspondence between prototype and distorted model indicated that the
nonsimilar turbulence terms containing vertical turbulent fluctuations were small
compared to the terms that contained squares and products of horizontal turbulent
fluctuations. This means the turbulent fluctuations in the vertical direction were
weak compared to the horizontal fluctuations.
Chapter 5 Turbulence Scale Effects Experiments