Case 4: Flow Separation at Vertical Step
The Case 4 tests examined turbulence scaling effects related to flow
separation occurring at a vertical step as illustrated in Figure 18(d). Turbulence in
the lee of the vertical step was generated by flow separation as uniform flow
passed over the vertical step. The resulting turbulence was composed of mostly
vertical fluctuations. Because of the relative insignificance of the horizontal
turbulent components, only minor scale effects were anticipated.
Experiment setup
The Case 4 setup consisted of a block placed on the bottom of the flow table
with its upstream edge aligned with the gap as illustrated in Figure 48. The gap
was formed by vertical edges which generate little vertical turbulence. Velocities
were measured in the lee of the downstream edge of the block along the flow
center line.
Figure 48. Experiment setup for Case 4 flow over a vertical step
Chapter 5 Turbulence Scale Effects Experiments