The summary report on the workshop examining erosion of the baymouth barrier bar
between Duck Pond Point and Horton Point (Town of Southold 1996)1 concludes "it is
uncertain if the project was meant to address shoreline erosion or prepare the inlet for
construction of a marina and harbor of refuge at Goldsmith Pond." An introductory
geographic sketch within this same report, however, states "the jetty was intended to
protect the inlet and mitigate erosion immediately to the west." The transcripts of this
workshop proceedings document discussion on this matter (Town of Southold 1996).
Figure 2-22. Goldsmith Inlet and Goldsmith Pond, 11 May 1955, 9 years before jetty
Town of Southold, NY, and New York State Department of State Division of Coastal Resources and
Waterfront Revitalization. (1996). "Report of the workshop examining erosion of the coastal barrier
landform between Duck Pond Point, Town of Southold, NY," unpulished report.
Chapter 2 Study Area and Physical Setting