Figure 3-34. Aerial view of shoreline east of Goldsmith Inlet, 16 April 2003
Figure 3-35. Ground view of inlet entrance and shoreline east of Goldsmith Inlet,
28 March 2003
Flood shoal morphology. The flood shoal at Goldsmith Inlet consists of three lobes
that are located on the east bank, on the west bank, and in the channel where the inlet
enters Goldsmith Pond (Figure 3-36). Because of the mild elevation relief at Goldsmith
Pond, the east and west lobes of the flood shoal are exposed during low water (Figures 3-
37 through 3-39). Figures 3-40a through 3-40c depict the contours of Goldsmith Pond at
low tide, mean tide, and high tide for 8 October 2002. The current velocity and water
level for both study areas were measured during 6-8 October 2002, in coordination with
the bathymetric survey. The current and water-level measurements are discussed in the
following sections.
Chapter 3 Field Data Collection and Analysis