Offshore morphology. The location of the offshore transects of the 6-8 October
2002 survey are shown in Figure 3-29. Figures 3-30a and 3-30b display beach profiles
west of the inlet, and Figures 3-31a and 3-31b display beach profiles west of the inlet.
The area offshore on both sides of Goldsmith Inlet has a steep gradient, with a slope of
approximately 1:10 from the beach to a depth of approximately 18 ft NAVD88 (to
approximately 700 ft offshore). A depression that is oriented parallel to the shoreline is
located from 750 to 2,000 ft offshore, where the depth reaches 22 ft NAVD88.
Figure 3-29. Goldsmith Inlet offshore survey transects, 6-8 October 2002
Chapter 3 Field Data Collection and Analysis