Calculated tidal water levels exhibit strong asymmetric behavior at
Goldsmith Inlet. Figures 5-24a through 5-24f plot water level at selected nodes
along the inlet channel and the total discharge at each of these nodes. Each
figure plots nodes against the input boundary condition (Node 1) and calculated
elevation at a selected preceding node. The figures contain comparisons for a
spring tide, 5-8 October 2002.
At nodes located near the forcing in Long Island Sound, the water-level
signal is sinusoidal. With distance into the inlet, the water-level signal becomes
more asymmetric, achieving a greater maximum on flood than on ebb, and with a
shorter time of flood than ebb. Such water-level behavior is called flood
dominance. There are three possible contributions the asymmetry. The first and
likely dominant contribution is the presence of sills in the inlet. The higher water
of flood can enter the inlet rapidly, because the tide wave celerity is given by the