A. Bayram et al. / Coastal Engineering 44 (2001) 7999
measurements pertaining to longshore sediment trans-
median particle diameter, V the mean longshore cur-
rent velocity, C the Chezy coefficient based on d50, g
against the available data sets would increase their
sediment density, qs the density of the bed material,
predictive capability, but the modifications would be
q the density of water, l a ripple factor, and sb,wc the
weighted by the particular data sets. For example the
field data considered here only encompassed one
bottom shear stress due to the waves and current. The
median grain size (0.18 mm; i.e., fine sand).
first part of the above expression represents a trans-
At the present time, there is no well-established
port parameter, whereas the second part (the expo-
transport formula that takes into account all the differ-
nent) is a stirring parameter. The ripple factor, which
ent factors that control longshore sediment transport
indicates the influence of the form of the bottom
in the surf zone, although the VR evidently accounts
roughness on the bed load transport, is expressed as,
for many of those factors. A complete formula should
C 1:5
quantify bed load and suspended load, describe ran-
dom waves as well as the effects of wave breaking,
and include transport in the swash zone.
where C90 is the Chezy coefficient based on d90,
which is the particle diameter, exceeded 10% by
weight. The combined shear stress at the bed (sb,wc)
induced by waves and current is (valid for a 90 angle
between the waves and current),
The research presented in this paper was carried
1 u0 2
out under the Coastal Inlets Research Program of the
sb;wc sb;c 1
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Permission was
granted to N.C.K. and H.C.M. by the Chief of
in which sb,c is the bed shear stress due to current only
Engineers to publish this information. Additional
and uo the maximum wave orbital velocity near the
support from the Swedish Natural Science Research
bed. The coefficient n is given by,
Council is also acknowledged (M.L. and A.B.).
Appendix A. Longshore sediment transport for-
in which fw is the wave friction factor (Jonsson, 1966).
To calculate the suspended load, Bijker (1967)
A.1. Bijker formula (1967, 1971)
assumed that the bedload transport occurred in a
bottom layer having a thickness equal to the bottom
Bijker (1967) modified the Kalinske Frijlink for-
roughness (r). The concentration of material in the
mula (Frijlink, 1952) for bed load together with Ein-
bed load layer (cb; assumed to be constant over the
thickness) is:
transport to be applied in a coastal environment. Thus,
Bijker's formula, popular among European engineers,
takes into account both waves and currents. The bed
load transport rate ( qb,B; in m3/s/m, including pores)
is calculated from,
The concentration distribution is obtained from,
! pffipffiffiffiffiffi
V pffiffiffi
0:27s 1d50qg
w q
r h z j sb;wc
qb;B Ad50
g exp
cz cb
hr z
where A is an empirical coefficient (1.0 for non-
where z is the elevation, h the water depth, w the
sediment fall speed, and j von Karman's constant. By
breaking waves and 5.0 for breaking waves), d50 the