W ≥ 0, the quadratic wind velocity is
W W = W 2 = w0 + w2 + 2w0 w sin ( σt ) - w2 cos ( 2σt )
Eq. 2 contains three forcing components as a steady part, a fundamental diurnal frequency
σ, and the first even harmonic (semi-diurnal frequency) 2σ of the fundamental. For a pure
oscillatory wind, w0 = 0, and the Fourier expansion of the quadratic wind velocity produced
by Eq. (2) is
∑ A sin[(2 j - 1)σt ]
W W =w
j =1
in which
Aj =
π(2 j - 3)(2 j - 1)(2 j + 1)
Eq. 4 shows that harmonic frequencies generated by a pure oscillatory wind are odd
Equations of Motion
For a basin of uniform width and water depth h >> η (deviation of water surface from
still water), the continuity and momentum equations of depth-averaged motion are
∂η C f u u ρa CDW W
where t = time, u = horizontal water velocity, g = acceleration due to gravity, Cf =
coefficient of bottom friction, ρa and ρ are the densities of air and water, respectively, CD =
wind-drag coefficient, and W = wind velocity. Militello and Kraus (2001) showed by
scaling analysis of Eqs. 5 and 6 that the pressure gradient term is of the same order as the
wind forcing and bottom friction terms, whereas the inertia and advective terms are 2-3
orders of magnitude smaller than the wind forcing term for the stated conditions.
A 1D basin of length L with vertical walls and uniform still-water depth is considered
(Fig. 1), over which an along-axis sinusoidal wind blows with spatial uniformity. The
governing equations are linearized, including omission of the advective term (which was
shown to be small in the scaling analysis), to allow closed-form solution and to eliminate
generation of response harmonics by nonlinear terms. Although it is not the intent to
compare the linear and non-linear models, the Lorentz approximation for estimating the
value of the linear bottom friction coefficient CfL by the principle of equivalent work (Ippen
and Harleman 1966) gives CfL = (8/(3π)) um Cf , where um is a representative value of the
magnitude of the current. The quantity CfL has dimensions of velocity.
Kraus & Militello