Corps of Engineers navigation research and development programs through coordination and
overview in the Technical Directors' Office at CHL. The CIRP reports results at an annual
program review comprised of members of Corps of Engineers Headquarters and of Divisions and
Districts. Distinguished civilian scientists and engineers of the Coastal Engineering Research
Board also participate in the annual review, where activities and progress are described and input
is obtained to guide work being conducted by the CIRP.
The six research work units are listed in Table 1, together with a short summary indicating
representative work unit responsibilities. The CIRP is funded at approximately .5 million
annually. These funds are distributed among the work units according to overall program
objective, individual work unit activities, and product streams for the particular year.
Table 1. Organization of the CIRP
Work Unit
Representative Subjects Covered
Sediment budgets, channel shoaling, interactions between
Inlet Channels and Adjacent Shorelines
inlets and the adjacent beaches, decision-support
predictive models
Morphologic behavior at longer time and space scales,
Inlet Geomorphology and Channel Evolution
geomorphic controls; & quantitative predictive models
Computationally intensive predictive models of waves,
Inlet Modeling System