Plan View Velocity Analysis
The "Plan View Velocity Analysis" section of this report demonstrates the tools
associated with importing and processing Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)
data. This instrument captures three-dimensional spatially tagged velocity data
through the water column. Typically, lines or transect are collected at the project
location. These data then have to be converted from binary to an ASCII format
before importation begins. Usually corrections have to be made to the data for
magnetic declination or any magnetic anomalies that might be present at the site or
due to the collection vessel.
Once the data have passed initial quality control measures, they are ready for
importation. After importation there are options for further processing including
plan view contours and plan view vectors. Both tools have the ability for further
analysis in the form of depth averaging. These options and techniques will be
further explained in the following sections.
Importing ADCP Velocity Data
To import ADCP data, click on the Import Data for HyPAS button (Figure 2-1)
and choose the ADCP Survey option (Figure 2-2).
Because HyPAS disables plan view analysis options except
when the user has a view open containing plan view data,
HyPAS makes sure the view has Plan View in its name. If
the view does not, then HyPAS appends the view name
with Plan View and notifies the user.
Figure 2-1. Import
The user is prompted to select the GIS file(s)
(Figure 2-3). After selecting the files, the user is
prompted for the data set name (Figure 2-4). This
name cannot have more than seven characters, and it will be the theme name in the
table of contents at the left of the view. Enter an applicable name.
HyPAS will import the ADCP data set and store it as a point theme and a
related database file. Because most applications will include multiple data sets,
HyPAS automatically returns to the prompt to select the GIS file(s). Cancel after
the last data set has been imported.
Chapter 2 Plan View Velocity Analysis