Time Series Data Analysis
The "Time Series Data Analysis" section of this report demonstrates how to
populate, analyze, and plot time series data inside a GIS system. GIS databases do
not typically have the functionality of time series analysis. This tool enables file
storage at the gauge location within the project area. The capability to subsection
and merge files for longer time series plots or exporting ASCII files is useful for
creating boundary condition files for numerical models or other applications. This
functionality was added to the HyPAS extension because not all hydrodynamic data
collected are static in time and space.
Adding and Deleting Time Series Data Locations
To create a time series data location, assure that the time
series data theme is active, and click on the Add/Delete Time
Series Data Locations tool (Figure 5-1). The user is prompted
to add or delete a location (Figure 4-2). Choose Add a
Location and click OK. Click the specific location on
the map for the time series data identifier location. After
Figure 5-1. Add/delete time
clicking the desired location, the user is prompted to
series data locations tool
enter a description for the location (Figure 4-3). The
location is now ready to include time series data for
If a time series data theme has not been created, no theme should be active. If
no theme is active, HyPAS will prompt to select theme or create theme (Figure 4-5).
To create a time series data theme, choose Create Theme and enter a theme name
(Figure 4-6).
To delete a time series data location, assure the time series data theme is active.
First, click on the Add/Delete Time Series Data Locations tool (Figure 5-1) and
choose the Delete a Location option (Figure 4-2). Then, click on the desired
location to delete and confirm the deletion (Figure 4-7).
Chapter 5 Time Series Data Analysis