Each option is described as follows:
Minimum TSD (Y) Axis Value. This is the y-axis minimum value. Enter a value
less than or equal to the default value. The default value is the minimum value of the
Maximum TSD (Y) Axis Value. This is the y-axis maximum value. Enter a value
greater than or equal to the default value. The default value is the maximum value of
the data.
Axis Increment. This is the y-axis labeled tic marks. This number must be
evenly divisible into the difference of the maximum and minimum values.
TSD (Y) Axis Title. This is the y-axis title. This title will be parallel with the y-
axis and approximately centered vertically to the left of the y-axis.
Minimum Date (X) Value. This is the x-axis minimum value. It is a date and
must be in the format of four digits for the year, two digits for the month, two digits
for the day, a space and four digits for the time (e.g., yyyymmdd hhmm). The time
must be in military time. An example would be. 19980730 1300.
Maximum Date (X) Value. This is the x-axis maximum value. It is a date and
must also follow the format listed above.
Labeled Date Increment. This is the x-axis labeled tic marks. This number must
be evenly divisible into the difference of the maximum and minimum dates. It must
be in the four-digit military time.
Unlabeled Date Tic Increment. This is for unlabeled x-axis tic marks. This
allows additional tics to be placed in the x-axis without placing text with the tics.
This number must be the same criteria as the labeled date increment.
Date (X) Axis Title. This is the x-axis title. This title will be parallel with the x-
axis and approximately centered below the x-axis.
After entering the desired parameters, click OK. If the minimum, maximum, and
increment values do not meet the specified criteria, a second menu for these
parameters will be displayed for the user to re-enter. These data are organized and
plotted in the Time Series Data view, but are not displayed. A menu is displayed
asking Plot Data Now? To analyze another time series data file, choose No and start
over. To see the results, choose Yes. The data plotted in the Time Series Data
view are displayed (Figures 5-13 and 5-14), and the user is prompted whether to
export the data. Choose Yes and enter a file name to export the data.
Chapter 5 Time Series Data Analysis