L. Erikson et al. / Coastal Engineering 52 (2005) 285302
(presently with Han-Padron Assoc.) who was instru-
were predicted with a previously published empirical
mental to implementing the experiment. Mr. Lasse
Johansson at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydro-
The model was tested with data from a small wave
logical Institute kindly provided vessel generated
tank experiment conducted for this study. Energy
wave measurement data. We would also like to thank
spectra of the swash depth at the SWS indicate that
anonymous reviewers for detailed critiques of the
there is significant short wave energy remaining at
paper. Financial support from the Swedish Research
this point and thus it may be inferred that the model
Council and VINNOVA (as part of the project dThe
describing shoreline motion as a result of collapsing
interaction between large and high-speed vessels and
bores at the SWS is applicable. Wave groups
the environment in archipelagosT) is gratefully
consisting of increasing and subsequently decreasing
acknowledged. Support for the laboratory experiment
wave heights and representing idealized vessel gen-
was provided by the Coastal Inlets Research Program,
erated wave trains were employed in the experiment.
Results for four cases, one with a slope of tanb=0.20
Inlet Channels and Geomorphology Work Unit.
and three with slope tanb=0.07, are presented. Model
results show that there is significant improvement in
predicting the maximum run-up length if swash
interaction is accounted for on the milder slope cases.
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Many thanks to Dr. Steve Hughes, Coastal
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