A. Bayram et al. / Coastal Engineering 44 (2001) 7999
Fig. 5. Comparison between calculated and measured cross-shore distribution of longshore sediment transport rate for Run 859051528 from the
DUCK85 experiment.
rates both inside and outside the surf zone. In Fig. 7,
imately located at 140 m). In contrast, the AW, BI,
predictions of the transport rates are compared to
EH, and VR formulas produced satisfactory results in
measurements from Run 859061018, and all formulas
the surf zone, whereas B and W produce much too
overpredict the rates outside the break point (approx-
large transport rates in this zone as well.
Fig. 6. Comparison between calculated and measured cross-shore distribution of longshore sediment transport rate for Run 859060916 from the
DUCK85 experiment.