S.A. Hughes / Coastal Engineering 51 (2004) 10851104
Application of maximum depth-integrated wave
so it was necessary to extract Tp from given values of
nop using Hmo and tana. (Mase's listed values of Hmo/
momentum flux parameter to irregular waves requires
substitution of representative irregular wave parame-
Lop appeared to have been rounded off and would
ters Hmo and Tp for the regular wave height H and
have produced a less reliable estimate of Tp).
period T, respectively, in Eqs. (28)(30). Original data
provided by Ahrens included his measurements of
for Ru2% were normalized by water depth h at the
toe of the plane slope and plotted versus the
Fig. 7. Ahrens' (1981) and Mase's (1989) data plotted versus wave momentum flux parameter.