W. Huang et al. / Ocean Engineering 30 (2003) 22752295
Fig. 5. (a) Schematic diagram of RNN--WL model for the coastal region of Long Island south shore,
where the distance between local inlet and remote NOAA station is above 60 km. (b) A simple graphic-
user-interface in Matlab environment allows users to easily load data files from Windows menu, and then
run the model program.
descent training method is used. Therefore, the conjugated training algorithm was
used in this study to improve the model performance. To avoid network overfitting,
the number of neurons in the hidden layer. The network was trained using the data
set and then validated with another data set. Through sensitivity study, the optimal
network size was selected as that size which resulted in the minimum error and
maximum correlation in the validation data set.
In order to account for the phase difference of water levels between inputs and
outputs, the last 4 hourly data points from the input time series of water levels at
the NOAA stations at each time step were used to predict water level at an inlet at the
given time step. This is similar to the autoregressive and moving average variables in
stochastic modeling. The neural network relationship between water level at inlet,
h(t)inlet , and at NOAA permanent station, h(t)NOAA , in the RNN--WL neural net-
work model can be illustrated by the following equation
RNN--WL[h(t),h(t 1),h(t 2),h(t 3)]NOAA Station
After a series of sensitivity tests, a network with 25 neurons in the hidden layer was
adopted. A schematic diagram of the RNN--WL model is given in Fig. 5(a). The
model is generalized for convenient user input. A simple graphic-user-interface was
developed for users to easily load data files in Windows environment (Fig. 5(b)).
Data sets required for model training and verification in Table 1. Default model
Table 1
Input file names of hourly data required for RNN--WL model training and verification
Remote NOAA station
Local inlet station
1. Model training
2. Model verification